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Statement by Governor Markell on PJM decision to suspend action on Artificial Island Project
Governor Markell issued the following statement following announcement of the PJM Interconnection Board’s decision to suspend further action or construction of the Artificial Island project pending a comprehensive review:
“I want to commend the PJM board for its decision to suspend further action on the Artificial Island project pending further review. This decision is one that the State of Delaware welcomes. The project as it was proposed would have placed an unjust burden on the state, resulting in higher electric rates for our consumers and businesses. I hope that upon further review, a more equitable solution can be identified.”
PJM’s news release announcing its decision and the expected next steps of its review can be found here:http://www.pjm.com/~/media/about-pjm/newsroom/2016-releases/20160805-board-ai-decision-news-release.ashx
And Trey Paradee writes ~
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Artificial Island power line project suspended
This is good news for Delaware electric consumers! Apparently, we have gotten the attention of PJM, the operator of the regional electric grid. Moments ago, PJM announced suspension of the controversial Artificial Island power line project, which would have overburdened Delaware electric consumers with an unfair, disproportionate share of the project cost. This is an important infrastructure project that I would ultimately like to see completed, but the cost should be shared proportionately by all 13 member states and the District of Columbia. I am proud to co-chair the Delaware General Assembly joint committee, along with Senator Harris McDowell, that filed this week to intervene with the Federal Energy Regulatory Committee on behalf of Delaware consumers. I would also like to thank Governor Jack Markell, the Public Service Commission, Dave Bonar and his staff at the Office of the Public Advocate, and committee members Representative Kevin Hensley and Senator Cathy Cloutier for their leadership and work on this important issue.
Artificial Island power line project suspended
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